40 Acres and nothing to show for it.  We are venturing into the thought of adding an Ag enterprise to the homeplace.  I won't be in it for show tho'.  If we're going to do it, we're going to make money at it! 
But what...
Visited the extension agent today to get some input.  He mentioned meat goats.  Interesting.  This corresponds well to a conversation at the horse fair where SDSU is working to get a grant to determine what goat farmers need in support and marketing support to be successful in SD.  Makes a person think that it might be worth looking at further.  Getting more info and numbers together.
Also interested in miniature cattle. Interesting enough, they can be pastured with goats.  They eat different plants.  In fact the goats will eat the weeds and actually improve quality of pasture for cattle.  Again, very interesting.  Will have to see where the winding road will lead us.
8/13/2010 05:43:09 pm

Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, dress, soul and idea.


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