In the course of discussion of aprons coming back into vogue a little bit, I happened to mention that I have some of Grandma-Great's aprons.  I don't know how I ended up with them, but I did.  What I didn't know was that I had textile-gold.  That is, based on other people's reaction they must be gold.
So here I 'fess up to the precious items from Grandma-Great that somehow I ended up with.
So it is actually 7 aprons all in a decided wrinkly state.

Here's a couple of closeups so you can see the stitching.

I also have Grandma-Great's German Bible

And what I believe was either confirmation or graduation watch.  I love it.  Don't have an excuse to wear it often.

That's all I got.  Now there may be other members of the family that got a hand constructed Noah's Ark.  I would just like to point out ... I didn't get one.
(Really there was no one bent out of shape about the whole deal, but I wanted to show off my antiques!)

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