It was a smelly weekend as I made soap and lotion bars.  Getting stuff figured out! First up was lotion bars!  The first time they were too hard, the second time too greasy, and the the third time ... just right!  and the flavor is Nectarine with a hint of cocoa ... mmm...  Here's what the end result looked like. 
Next weekend am going to make a Rose Shea lotion bar.  I started this weekend by making a trip outside and snipping the best looking roses.
Then I added some olive oil with the rose petals for some smelly oil.  mmm...
It needs to infuse all week.  I checked earlier and it smells wonderful.  And this was so much fun that I picked some peonies and have a peony infusion in process too.  Ok, it's time to make soap!  First melt your oils.
Then add the lye to the goat's milk.  Slow-w-w-ly.  (The chunks are frozen goats milk.)  Then add the lye milk mixture to the oils and use that stick blender to get it to the trace stage.
Then it's time to cook.  It will go thru 3 stages ... Gel, Applesauce, and finally Mashed potatoes.
Yup!  Mashed Potatoes.  And ... drumroll ...

Nectarine Blossom Peach Tea ... MMMMMM...

6/26/2010 02:39:00 am

Love the fact that you're making "real" soap. I've tried the melt and pour variety, and everyone did like the goat's milk best. The lather is so fine, and very softening. If you want foolproof recipes or need supplies, try She also has a great blog at She even has videos on soap making so you can see what everything should look like as you go.

6/26/2010 10:22:54 am

Hello, Karin,
I know what you mean about the goat's milk soap. I catch myself all during the work day exclaiming ... "wow, are my hands soft!" and then I pick up my lotion bar and say "mmmm...(when I smell it) and ooohhh...(when I rub it in)... I may get a reputation of talking to myself -- all from Goat Milk Soap. :)


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