's my turn to RIDE in the carpool.  I can read 90 minutes a day!  It's not uncommon for me to read 2-3 books during carpool week.  And then I picked up Say You're One of Them by Uwem Akpan.  It took me almost two weeks to read but I finished in the Shopko parking lot.  In my defense, I only had a handful pages left.  It took me most of the rest of the night to collect myself.  The book's premise is about the amazing resilience of children to survive in difficult situations.  It's a series of short stories set in different African countries.  But there is no promise of happy endings in this book and you read holding your breath that this child can outlast the horrible situations they are faced with.  And when they don't, you run out of air and it takes a while to catch it again.  Literally.  Next book won't tackle such a serious subject, but this one was worth reading.  Have a good read ... tonight!

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